2 min readOct 12, 2021

Sunday was World Mental Health Day.

I know for every family, mental health is a poignant topic. After a year and a half of COVID, we all find ourselves a bit changed compared to where we were in 2019. This has been a trying time for everyone, and we all yearn to go back to where we were before the pandemic entered our lives.

As a fastidious mental health advocate and presenter, every day in my job as a Life Coach, I listen quietly as Moms from everywhere share how someone in their family is struggling with their mental health. My heart aches as I listen, as I have been in the shoes of so many of these moms, and I want everyone to know: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

As we all journey along on our path of life, it is SO important to remember to take time to invest in things that make you laugh and have fun.


Because as the research shows, what you do for your health when you laugh with friends, watch a funny television show, enjoy a great book, or just have fun with your family are more than you can ever imagine.

Those feel good chemicals called serotonin are released when engaging in these fun activities such as connecting with others and relaxing. The best news is when you have fun, you are counteracting the stress hormone called cortisol which spikes to unhealthy levels when you are stressed.

Cortisol is the “fight or flight” hormone in your body intended to activate and have you flee when you are in an emergency situation. But when you are experiencing low levels of stress, extra cortisol in your body is bad for you and can cause things such as weight gain and decreased immunity to infections.

Let’s face it, stress is inevitable. We can’t have fun every minute of the day. You might have to be intentional about making time to help your body feel better, especially in our modern world today. You can, however, learn to put some extra play time in reserves, so when you are next faced with a super stressful day, you can tap into what you have saved up for yourself. This will also expand your coping skills in the long run.

Serotonin is your friend and is responsible for regulating basic processes in your body including sleep patterns, memory, body temperature, and your mood. Commit to finding time to unleash those feel good chemicals in your body. You deserve to be happy.

Now go play!

And lemme know when you want to have a FREE Discovery Call?

From the heart & behind the smile on my face,

The Real Laurie Stein
Certified Life Coach
Owner, LMS Coaching
Founder, “The Empowerment Path for Moms




Mom of 3, Wife, Certified Life Coach, Owner LMS Coaching, Founder “Stop the Overwhelm and Calm the Chaos,”program, MBA, Doctoral Student, mental health advocate