My Daughter Had An Active Shooter in Her Neighborhood This Week

What do you do with That As a Mom?

2 min readNov 3, 2021

by The Real Laurie Stein

Mom of twins + 1
Certified Life Coach
Owner, LMS Coaching
Founder, “The Empowerment Path for Moms

I need hugs today. 😁 Do you ever feel like that?







How many of you have days where you want to crawl back in bed for the rest of the day? Am I alone here?

I LOVE my super intelligent kids, and they are out adulting in the real world.

But I’m here to tell you, just because they leave your house, doesn’t mean things won’t happen to them where you don’t want to hop in your car and rush to their rescue. Wherever they live.


They are grown. You have to give them their space to grow, learn, make their own decisions, develop, and problem solve. When hard things happen to your kids, they need to have room to develop the skills to figure things out on their own and regulate their own emotions without their mommy or daddy running to their rescue.


I’m feeling emotionally exhausted by these last few weeks’ events, and I’m an introverted sensitive empath, so I feel things REALLY deep.

Self Care….Self Care….Self Care….

I’m telling myself I know I need to take care of myself and use my positive coping skills right now.

But secretly, I want to rely on those unhealthy coping skills that are screaming “DO THIS” in my ear. Do you know what I mean?

I’m a mom, and I’m human, just like you. Sometimes, I too need support.

Even though my job is to support other moms.

What do you do to support yourself when you are emotionally spent? Who do you rely on? Do you take the time to slow do and listen to your body? If you don’t you should. Think about what you’re doing to yourself in terms of “the long run” when you don’t slow down and give your body the R & R it needs (instead of relying on all these easily accessible negative ways to cope.)

Here’s extra hugs for you, too, since we all need more hugs these days.




Mom of 3, Wife, Certified Life Coach, Owner LMS Coaching, Founder “Stop the Overwhelm and Calm the Chaos,”program, MBA, Doctoral Student, mental health advocate